Let’s take a closer look at how outdated hiring processes, poor candidate experiences, and a lack of focus on culture might be tarnishing your reputation – and, more importantly, how to fix it.
Is Your Hiring Process Costing You Top Talent?
In the ultra-competitive ETF industry, securing top talent is crucial to staying ahead. But outdated hiring processes might be driving your dream candidates straight to your competitors.
Experience vs. Potential: Are ETF Firms Hiring for the Past or the Future?
Yes, experience matters, but overemphasizing it could mean you’re missing out on the fresh, forward-thinking talent needed to stay ahead of the curve.
Is Your Firm Losing Out on Talent? The Hiring Mistakes You’re Probably Making
Firms need top-tier professionals to innovate, manage risks, and seize growth opportunities. But are you missing out on these skilled candidates because of common hiring mistakes?
How to Build an Effective ETF Sales Team for the European Market
As the ETF market expands globally, Europe emerges as a competitive hub—making a well-structured, adaptive sales team crucial for success. Here’s how firms can build one.
How to compensate ETF sales teams
Compensating a sales team in the rapidly evolving ETF market is a complex and crucial task. Explore the key strategies and best practices.